To find out more about the benefits of reading Parenting Apart when going through a separation contact our Family & Relationships team on 01284 767 766
Christina McGhee’s book offers sensible, child focussed, and neutral advice on all aspects of parenting through separationand beyond. It will help address your concerns whether you are the parent with care or the parent having contact.
“Parenting Apart” book breakdown
In an easy to read and practical way this book will guide you through ways of handling some of the most upsetting times, from how to tell your children about the separation to dealing with a difficult ex. There is advice about the different developmental stages of children from babies to teenagers and the different emotions they may be experiencing, together with useful age-appropriate ways of explaining things to them. The chapters and headings are well set out and it’s the sort of book you can dip in and out of as you need to.
Going through a divorce or separation can be one of the most painful things you will ever do. You may experience a whole range of emotions from anger, denial, guilt, and sometimes an overwhelming sadness. And whilst you’re struggling with your own emotions and those of your ex, you also have to manage your children’s feelings.
Children, of any age, can find the separation of their parents confusing, frightening and very upsetting and as their parent it is your job, on top of everything else you are dealing with, to explain things to them, reassure them and help them through this massive change in their lives.
As a divorce lawyer, who has myself been through a divorce with 2 small children, I know how difficult it can be to find the right advice and guidance. Friends and family will offer their opinions, but they’re often biased as they too are hurting and struggling to come to terms with the new situation.
Impressions and main takeaways
What I most liked about this book is it’s positivity. This is a book which will help you focus on what is best for the children. It will help you feel more in control and will provide you with invaluable advice on looking after the mental wellbeing of both your children and yourself.
If you’re a client and would like a copy of this book please let us know and we’ll get a copy to you as soon as possible.
Adapting to parenting through a separation can be difficult, Parenting Apart by Christina McGhee is a great book that can help advise you on the best actions to take. For more information about how this book could help you call our Family & Relationships team on 01284 767 766