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Company Restructuring

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Law Firm Support for Corporation Restructuring

When considering re-structuring your business it’s important that you have all the information you need. Our team of Expert Business Law Solicitors have experience with re-structuring and are ready to assist you with the process.

Call 0330 912 8338 for a no-obligation chat with one our Company Restructuring Solicitors today.

Deciding to re-structure your business is a big decision, its best to check with the experts that it’s the best decision and that what you are aiming to do can be achieved.

Our Business Law Solicitors can help you with any queries you have about re-structuring and the best ways to accomplish your vision for your company.

Need Legal Advice?
Call 0330 912 8338 for a no-obligation chat with one our experts today.

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Call 0330 912 8338 to have a no-obligation chat with our expert Business Law Team. They’ll be happy to talk through the process with you, explain what we do, and answer any questions you have.

Alternatively, you can email us with your query and we’ll help in any way we can.

Company Re-structuring FAQs

What is Re-structuring?

Re-structuring is when a company decides to re-organise their legal, ownership or operational structure to make the business more profitable or better the efficiency of the business.

What is the difference between Restructuring and Reorganisation?

Restructuring and reorganisation are similar but not the same. Restructuring is a much more severe action to take where a lot of change is made to the way in which the business is ran in its entirety. Whereas reorganisation refers more to a few small but important changes being made and less severe action being taken.

What are the common reasons for company restructuring?

Company restructuring can be driven by various factors, such as mergers and acquisitions, changes in market conditions, financial difficulties, expansion plans, or the need to streamline operations.

What are the different types of company restructuring?

Some common types of company restructuring include mergers, acquisitions, demergers, spin-offs, divestitures, joint ventures, and changes in shareholding structure.

How does company restructuring affect employees?

Company restructuring can impact employees in different ways, such as changes in job roles, redundancies, transfers, or alterations to terms and conditions of employment. The specific impact depends on the nature of the restructuring.

What legal considerations should be taken into account during company restructuring?

Legal considerations may include compliance with company law, employment law, contractual obligations, intellectual property rights, tax implications, and any necessary shareholder or creditor approvals.

Can a company restructure without employee consent?

Depending on the nature of the restructuring, employee consent may not always be required. However, it is important to comply with employment law, consult with employees, and handle any redundancies or transfers fairly and lawfully.

What are the tax implications of company restructuring?

Company restructuring can have significant tax implications, such as capital gains tax, stamp duty, VAT, or corporation tax. It is essential to consult with a tax specialist to ensure compliance and optimize tax efficiency.

How long does the company restructuring process usually take?

The duration of the restructuring process varies depending on the complexity of the changes, the size of the company, and other factors. It can range from a few weeks to several months or even longer for more complex restructurings.

What are the potential risks and challenges associated with company restructuring?

Company restructuring can involve risks such as financial instability, employee resistance, legal disputes, delays, or negative impact on company reputation. Thorough planning and professional advice can help mitigate these risks.

Can a company restructure its debts through restructuring?

Yes, a company may restructure its debts through mechanisms such as debt refinancing, debt rescheduling, debt-for-equity swaps, or entering into voluntary arrangements with creditors. It is advisable to seek professional advice when dealing with debt restructuring.

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