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Health and Welfare Lasting Powers of Attorney

Expert Powers of Attorney Solicitors

Not having a Lasting Powers of Attorney in place can have great repercussions on your health and financial situation because your loved ones wont be able to make decisions for you if you lose mental capacity, don’t get in your own way.

Get in touch with our team today for more information about Lasting Powers of Attorney and how they can help you on 0330 912 8338.

Lasting Powers of Attorney are important precautions to take when considering the support you might need in the future. Creating a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney will enable your most trusted friends or family to be able to make decisions in your best interests surrounding your health if you aren’t able to make them anymore.

What Health and Welfare Lasting Powers of Attorney Services do we provide?

Our team of expert Powers of Attorney Solicitors can deal with every aspect of setting up a Health & Welfare Lasting Powers of Attorney. This includes:

  • Advice on how to set one up, when it can be used, whom to appoint/how many (attorneys) to appoint and how attorneys should act;
  • Acting as ‘Certificate Provider’ ensuring proper capacity checks / advice on duties is provided;
  • Advice on Preferences/Instructions, ensuring any specific wording is accurate for registration/legal purposes;
  • Advice and offer of separate Expression of Wishes to complement the LPA but which isn’t made a public document like the LPA;
  • Registration of documents;
  • Advising on one-off decisions which may need Court Of Protection intervention;
  • Revoking existing LPA either in part or completely;
  • Storing originals and not releasing them unless under strict protocols to ensure no abuse of power or undue influence present;
  • Applications to Court of Protection for directions or guidance where there is disagreement between attorneys or where an attorney needs to be removed because of breach of trust, misconduct or misappropriation;
  • Advice on life-sustaining treatment aspects;
  • How this works in conjunction with an Advance Decision or Living Will.
  • Use of an Expression of Wishes to elaborate on how you would like your Attorneys to make decisions about your health and welfare.
  • No extra charges for certified copies, storage, release of documents;
For more information about the services our Powers of Attorney team provide please call 0330 912 8338.

Need Help?

Call 0330 912 8338 to have a chat with our expert Powers of Attorney Team. There’s no obligation.

Or email us with your query and we’ll help in any way we can.

Health and Welfare Lasting Powers of Attorney FAQs

What does Section 5 of a health and welfare LPA mean?

Section 5 of the Health and Welfare LPA deals with life-sustaining treatment. Life-sustaining treatment includes care, surgery, medicine and other help that you may require at any given time in your life.

There are two options provided which you may wish to sign. Option A lets your attorneys give or refuse consent to life-sustaining treatment on your behalf. Alternatively, Option B prevents your attorneys from being able to make this decision.

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Still Need Help?

Call 0330 912 8338 to have a chat with our Powers of Attorney experts.